Entry Plan
16 Lace Lane • Clifton Park, NY 12065 • (518) 496-9436 • pettamarissa@gmail.com
As a new leader, my first priority is to build relationships with students and staff. I want the school community to quickly see my dedication to their success as well as my student centered approach, which is at the heart of everything I do.
First 30 Days:
Study current systems and structures at the building and district level
Read contracts for the various bargaining units
Read the student handbook to understand expectations from a student and parent/guardian perspective
Read district and building safety plan and procedures
Send a letter to staff introducing myself
Review current curriculum maps
Review data: academics, attendance, discipline referrals, suspensions, current parent, staff, and student surveys
Understand current discipline procedures and grading policies
Ensure building is welcoming and inviting for the return of students and staff
Spend time looking at the most recent yearbook to associate names with faces
Second 30 Days:
Focus on getting to know staff, students, and families
Meet with each staff member one on one
"Listening Tour": Identify values and beliefs of staff, understand the culture of learning and building climate
Create team building activities for faculty meetings or professional development days
Attend grade level and department meetings
Host a meeting with students at each grade level to introduce myself and share my values
Call five families per day to introduce myself
Create schedule for informal classroom walkthroughs
Attend board meetings, athletic events, open house, and community sponsored events to get to know families
Find ways to recognize staff for their continued efforts and a great first few weeks of school
Second 30 Days:
Continue informal classroom walkthroughs
Begin to set goals to improve student learning, work in partnership with staff to identify areas of instructional strengths and weakness
Work in partnership with principal to create a weekly bulletin as a consistent communication tool for staff
Begin to plan future professional development based on staff feedback and classroom observations
Gain access to school social media platforms or create accounts to share important news with the community